Do you have a purpose driven strategy that:
Keeps you relevant in our agile world.
Builds trust with your stakeholders.
Motivates your employees & customers?
Broadens your organization's impact?
Is the F.E.A.T assessment is right for you?
Validated automated maturity assessment
Based on your current & desired levels of performance
Compare/benchmark results by department, level, organization, year taken
Maturity Levels
Emerging/task oriented: Purpose driven strategy is not fully formed in leadership. Separate from organization along with processes and business practices.
Managed: Established, repeatable, and utilized processes, but not deployed uniformly throughout the organization.
Integrated: All core driven activities understood organization wide, consistent engagement through processes and systems.
Optimized: Ongoing agile responsive refinement process and systems throughout the Strategy Execution cycle.
Maturity Dimensions
Formulate: Method to gather, synthesize & manage vital information for developing org. & dept. plans & actions.
Enable: Degree to which the organization shares, coordinates, and cascades strategic plans & actions.
Account: Degree to which metrics, process indicators, tactics & measures are used to drive to desired results.
Transform: How well the strategy, metrics and tactics are deployed, managed & refined: real-time.
Combining Strategy and Purpose
Are your Org. Strategies linked to greater purpose?
Do your stakeholders actively participate and support your purpose driven strategies?
Are you driving toward and getting the results you want from your strategic plan and from your employees?
Maturity Questionnaire Results
Ongoing adaptation/realignment to the changing landscape
Cross-dept. objectives, actions & metrics managed real time
Variances lead to ongoing plan & activity discussion/refinement
Data & outcome driven team buy-in & ownership
Progress to plan is regularly measured & reported
Metric variances lead to real-time discussion/refinement of dept. plans, budgets & actions